About the Club
The goal of the Club is to present a wide variety of programs, that appeal to photographers of all skill levels. Our programs include how-to demonstrations and competitions as well as lectures by local and regional photography professionals. We meet twice a month on the second and fourth Thursdays at 7:00 PM from January to October. For the holiday months of November and December, check the calendar page for specific dates, as these may vary from the normal schedule. These meetings are now hybrid meetings, with the in-person portion at the Cape Cod Art Center (CCAC) at 3480 Rt 6A in Barnstable. Members can also join via Zoom, the links are on the Zoom page under Organization (you will need to be logged in to see this page). The meetings start at 7:00 PM, come at 6:30 for socializing. There will be a banner on the home page if the in-person meeting at the art center is not being held for any reason, such as weather or covid spikes. In those cases the meeting will be Zoom only, so check the web site on the day of the meeting before coming to the Art Center.
There are often less formal image sharing and Q&A meetings on the first and third Thursdays of the month, also at 7:00 PM. These meetings are Zoom only. Check the calendar for the schedule of these meetings, there may be months where there aren't meetings on the alternate Thursdays.
Guests are welcome, come in person, or use the Contact Us page under the Organization tab to request a Zoom link. You will need to be an Art Center member to join the camera club. You will also need to create an account on this web site to receive camera club emails and participate in our competitions. See the Membership Page for information on joining,
Sharing Images A large part of our program is devoted to sharing images in a non-competitive environment. During the course of the year, we host image critiques by a panel of CCAC Camera Club senior members discussing how images might be improved. Members of all skill levels are invited to bring in images to share and discuss. This is an excellent way to get feedback on how to improve your images, especially for upcoming competitions. See the calendar for the schedule of critique nights.
Exhibits Our camera club has the unique advantage of being part of an established art association. You may enter the four Open-Juried Exhibits the Cape Cod Art Center offers and if accepted may exhibit and sell your work. There will be many other outside venue exhibits that the CCAC and the Camera Club will set up for the display of your work.

NECCC Competitions The club participates in the New England Camera Club Counsel interclub Electronic Photograph competitions. This is an interclub competition between over 70 clubs throughout New England. This gives members experience with more judges and gives their images more exposure. There are three competitions each year, Fall, Winter and Spring, each having two classes, Nature and PIctorial. Nature must meet the PSA rules, which requires no hand of man, i.e. no indications of human intervention, like man made items, cultivated plants, pruned plants, etc. Pictorial is an open category. See our NECCC page in the competitions area for more details. Note also that you can only submit from one camera club. If you are a member of multiple camera clubs, you must pick one and let the competition managers at each club know if they may or may not use your images.